Bed bugs. They are one of the most despicable, revolting insects on Earth. An infestation can lead to physical discomfort- their itchy bites cause excessive scratching and rashes – and psychological stress (think anxiety and trouble sleeping). Even worse, they are very hard to prevent: bed bugs can latch onto pretty much any fabric and hitch a ride back to your home, at which point the reproduction begins. This ability to travel with you makes getting bed bugs on vacation super easy – but it doesn’t have to be a foregone conclusion. Here are some tips to avoid picking up bed bugs, whether you’re taking a summer vacation or visiting family for the holidays.
Tips to Avoid Bed Bugs While Traveling
Do a Room Inspection
Whether you are staying in a hotel, motel, or rental, before you flop down or toss your suitcase, bags, or clothing on the bed, do a quick room inspection. Naturally, you should start with the bed: pull off the sheets and check the seams of the bed. If you see any stains or spots, you should notify the staff or owner immediately.
If the bed is in good shape, start looking around the rest of the room. Make sure to focus most carefully on other pieces of furniture in the space (couches, chairs, etc.) as well as the headboard of the bed to make sure there are no signs of bed bugs.
Consider Using a Bed Bug Luggage Protector
Even with a thorough room inspection, bed bugs can be sneaky – and one could really make its way onto your luggage almost anywhere. Using a bed bug luggage protector (of which there are many that you can find online) will greatly reduce the chances that a bed bug will be able to hitch a ride on your luggage and into your home.
Do a Deep Clean After Travel
Even if you are careful when it comes to keeping bed bugs out of your home after travel, it doesn’t hurt to be EXTRA cautious. Checking your luggage and vacuuming it before you bring it into your house can suck up any bed bugs and/or bed bug eggs – and you can even steam clean your luggage if you are feeling extra ambitious.
Also, be sure to wash all the clothes that you brought with you on your trip in hot water when you get home. The heat from the washer and dryer will kill any bed bugs or bed bug eggs that might have tagged along with you on your trip home.
Other Bed Bug Prevention Tips
- If bringing secondhand furniture into your home, do a careful bed bug inspection first. For pointers on doing a proper bed bug furniture inspection, check out the video below:
Inspect your sleeping area and your pet’s sleeping area (if you have one) if you suspect that you might be dealing with bed bug activity in your home.
What to Do if You Have Bed Bugs
If you have bed bugs, or suspect you have bed bugs, the first thing you should do is look for signs. Here is a list of common signs via the EPA:
- Rusty or reddish stains on bed sheets or mattresses caused by bed bugs being crushed.
- Dark spots (about this size: •), which are bed bug excrement and may bleed on the fabric as a marker would.
- Eggs and eggshells, which are tiny (about 1mm), and pale yellow skins that nymphs shed as they grow larger.
- Live bed bugs.
These signs, in tandem with mysterious bug bites in the morning, are a pretty good sign that you are actually dealing with a bed bug infestation. So what now?
Because bed bugs are notoriously difficult to get rid of, it’s unlikely that you will be able to totally eradicate the infestation on your own. That’s where we come in. Our bed bug control process is a tried and true 4-step process:
- Contact us for a full inspection
- If bedbugs are confirmed, pick your treatment option
- Complete any follow up necessary
- Sleep in comfort
Inspect your sleeping area and your pet’s sleeping area (if you have one) if you suspect that you might be dealing with bed bug activity in your home.
Need to schedule an appointment? Just get in touch with us and we’ll help you with whatever bed bug problem you are having ASAP!