Some homes only notice having a mice issue in the winter.
In Seattle and other big cities, you might notice rats most in the summertime as they scrounge through warm garbage. But the reality is, rodents are a threat all year long. They’re just better at hiding some times than others. Read on to learn why rodents are a yearlong threat, what you can do about it—and what you should do if the problem gets out of control.
Rodents never die
Well, that’s not technically true. Rodents do die, eventually. But unlike mosquitoes and other insects, there’s not a defined season where they are more (or less) active. That means you have to stay vigilant all year long, as mice are just as likely to seek shelter in your home’s walls in winter as they are to try and root around your pantry in the summer. And that also means…
The diseases they carry are a threat all year long
As we’ve discussed previously, the primary threat mice and rats pose are the diseases they carry, including foodborne illnesses like salmonella, listeria and more. In fact, there are more than 30 diseases directly and indirectly transmitted by rodents, according to the CDC. And just like with mice and rats, there’s no “down time” for bacteria, viruses, and diseases. It’s a round-the-clock job getting people sick.
Out of sight is not out of mind
Just because you’re not seeing rodents doesn’t mean they’re not around. And if they’re around, even if they’re keeping their distance from your food supply (which is unlikely), they could be chewing through wiring, insulation, or something else that is undermining your home’s structural integrity or safety. Did you know that housefires caused by rodents account for 20-25 percent of all housefires of unknown origin?
Infestations can flare up at any time
Even if you’ve had a mice or rat infestation treated, there’s a chance they can return if it was a one-off treatment. That’s the main reason we build treatment schedules where we return to check on our progress and make sure the threat is eradicated.
If you’re experiencing a rodent infestation, or even worry that you are, contact us today or call 360-935-4200 to schedule an inspection and get started on ridding yourselves of these year-round pests. It’s always a good time to get rid of rodents!